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Great night…knackered!

Started by SirfurryanimalWales, September 15, 2024, 02:05:53 AM

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Good Morning

September 15th 2024

Sunday morning and after two hours or so of non-stop Beatle music last evening I am a bit tired!
The Beatles Experience (UK) were very,very good.
I should really say Excellent but unlike the Bootleg Beatles they don't have an orchestra with them for the more orchestral stuff.
But they delivered all the hits and more and their costumes for the Sgt. Pepper songs were truly remarkable.
A great time was had by all.
Next up for me is Leo Sayer...
Later this month.
Next weekend is my trip to Nottingham.
Got four days cricket before that though.

Medi 15, 2024

Bore Sul ac ar ôl dwy awr neu ddwy o gerddoriaeth ddi-stop Beatle neithiwr dwi wedi blino braidd!
Roedd Profiad y Beatles (DU) yn dda iawn, iawn.
Dylwn i ddweud Ardderchog mewn gwirionedd ond yn wahanol i'r Bootleg Beatles does ganddyn nhw ddim cerddorfa gyda nhw ar gyfer y pethau mwy cerddorfaol.
Ond traddodasant yr holl drawiadau a mwy a'u gwisgoedd i'r Rhingyll. Roedd caneuon pupur yn wirioneddol ryfeddol.
Cafwyd amser gwych gan bawb.
Nesaf i mi yw Leo Sayer...
Yn ddiweddarach y mis hwn.
Y penwythnos nesaf yw fy nhaith i Nottingham.
Wedi cael criced pedwar diwrnod cyn hynny serch hynny.
Y Gath o Gymru

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