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One of those Days

Started by SirfurryanimalWales, April 02, 2024, 03:02:32 PM

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Y gath o Gymru

Good evening
Was one of those days!
Started off by knocking over my cup of hot chocolate,then sat down to eat my Fried ( it is not FIRED autocorrect!)Egg on toast only to realise I hadn't buttered the bread.
Then there was a serious medical emergency on the bus to Cardiff.Fortunately there was a nurse on her way to work at the hospital the bus serves aboard.
She was superb.As was the driver.Might have been a different outcome without that nurse.
Then the rain arriving early prevented my cricket team from wrapping up what looked like being certain victory.
So I'm glad to be back back home and am relaxing on the bed as I write this!
Y Gath o Gymru


Sounds like an interesting day furry !

Pleased the nurse was able to help but shame about the cricket, hope things improve tomorrow, night 👋


Hi Furry....hope you have a better day today, and that your cricket team wins !


Sometimes it pays to just stay in bed all day.


That's what Biden should have done. I was shocked when he walked out on the stage. 

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