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What is the most useless invention of all time?

Started by SirfurryanimalWales, February 25, 2024, 05:15:03 AM

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Y Gath o Gymru


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Y Gath o Gymru


Y Gath o Gymru


Since necessity is the mother of invention, I have tried but I cannot seem to come up with one useless invention.

While we are on the topic have you ever invented anything or would like to see invented because you have the idea.

I'm thinking of a solarpowered rotating stand for a  potted plant that would revolve the plant 1/4 of a turn every day so that it would become symettrical. And also send an alarm when it needs watering.


It was a Candy dispensing iPhone case ! Couldn't post the picture so I gave up.....


It was a candy dispenser i phone case.

Well I'm wondering if it could be used as a pill dispenser for seniors.


Here is a shit load of useless inventions:

Car Exhaust Grill. You can cook burgers with car exhaust using this product. ...
Shoe Umbrella. This product helps you keep your shoes dry in rain. ...
Air Conditioned Shoes. It sounds cool, right? ...
Walking Sleeping Bag. ...
Privacy Scarf. ...
Hair Hat. ...
Car desk.


Quote from: camper6 on February 28, 2024, 10:08:17 AMIt was a candy dispenser i phone case.

Well I'm wondering if it could be used as a pill dispenser for seniors.

I suppose, if anybody was that desperate for one ! 😆


Quote from: Fleur on February 28, 2024, 10:51:57 AM
Quote from: camper6 on February 28, 2024, 10:08:17 AMIt was a candy dispenser i phone case.

Well I'm wondering if it could be used as a pill dispenser for seniors.

I suppose, if anybody was that desperate for one ! 😆

Just as a reminder would be a helpful . 


Quote from: camper6 on February 29, 2024, 09:32:52 AM
Quote from: Fleur on February 28, 2024, 10:51:57 AM
Quote from: camper6 on February 28, 2024, 10:08:17 AMIt was a candy dispenser i phone case.

Well I'm wondering if it could be used as a pill dispenser for seniors.

I suppose, if anybody was that desperate for one ! 😆

Just as a reminder would be a helpful . 

Yes, it would be handy if the phone was set as a reminder to have your pill dispensed at the same time



I only take 3 a day, getting them out each night, ready for the morning


Quote from: Fleur on March 01, 2024, 02:23:58 PMI only take 3 a day, getting them out each night, ready for the morning

It takes me a day to put hubbys into his meds boxes ...ruddy pills
I take i  a day in the mornings ..

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