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Trudeau Visits Windsor On.

Started by Ronald, January 18, 2023, 09:47:38 AM

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University and Unifor thrilled with Windsor visit from prime minister.

Justin Trudeau visited Windsor Tuesday, making three stops in the city: the University of Windsor, Windsor Assembly Plant and Willistead Manor for a party fundraiser.

Trudeau didn't make any government announcements during his stops, but did reiterate his government's support for the auto industry.

"Our greatest advantage is all of you," Trudeau told a large gathering of auto workers inside the minivan plant. "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't recognized across the industry and around the world that this is a place and you are people worth investing in."

Source: https://windsor.ctvnews.ca/university-and-unifor-thrilled-with-windsor-visit-from-prime-minister-1.6233752

But the protesters didn't like him there.   We came home from the US that morning, it all seemed normal, you'd never know he was there.

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