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The king has cancer

Started by charry, February 06, 2024, 08:38:40 AM

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Quote from: Mart on February 07, 2024, 12:50:38 PMI'm sorry for anyone having cancer. Even though treatment is better and more successful these days, it's still a scary diagnosis, even for a King.

From what I read in polls and opinions, most Brits are still in favour of a monarchy. I sit on the fence regarding the topic. Life would go on the same either way. However, if they were gone there would still be plenty of monied people living in the lap of luxury at the taxpayer's expense and so someone else filling the roll of those to call parasites.

Even so, I can understand the people of Canada having an objection to them. The Royal Family doesn't reside there. They are part of Canada's past history and history moves on. Maybe there a reason to tip a cap at the King who was on the throne when the British settled parts of Canada for the English-speaking population. From then on though, maybe no reason at all to want to be part of a Commonwealth.

If we are going to have a Royal Family, just keep it within the shores of Britain.

Still a lot of Canadians who believe in the Royal Family. I can recall as a teen in school, the Queen would be coming to Canada, we were all give a very small Union Jack flag, and bused to the Ford Motor Co. proving grounds. We stood there like dummies waving this flag as she walked by us, the boys were bowing, the girls doing a curtsy.

But anyway see my quote.
QuoteCanada is a constitutional monarchy with the King as head of state. The Crown holds the power to govern but this power is entrusted to the government, which is expected to lead on behalf of the people. The sovereign reigns by hereditary right — as opposed to the elected head of government — and is one of the three components of Parliament (the Crown, House of Commons and Senate).


I remember the King and Queen coming to Canada in 1939. Our class walked to a spot designated for us.  The royal couple came by in an open top limo. Everyone rushed by the guards and I saw nothing.  Then turned around and walked back a mile to the school with a blister on my foot from the new shoes my mother bought me. 

I just can't imagine Britain without a monarchy.  I just can't see them as a republic like the United States.


It makes you wonder doesnt it , if its not a sign for William to take over

Sadly charles has waited for 70yrs to be king , now hes had to give a sick note .. 

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