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How is your day going?

Started by admin, April 17, 2022, 03:37:29 PM

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I'm being kept awake by Storm Isha!
Y Gath o Gymru


I've just read there's another one on it's way .... Jocelyn.

I escaped it. It only got  a bit gusty and that was it. Enough to hear but not to make me anxious.

This morning I nipped into the village to do some errands and this aft I nipped online to pay some bills.
Time was I could do the two together in one place .. so much for modern life hey.

Don't be fooled  by my cute, furry face and beady eyes. I really am your friend.


This is good ...
.. the spitting image of me first thing in the morning
Don't be fooled  by my cute, furry face and beady eyes. I really am your friend.


Yep...Ive just heard that Storm Jocelyn is next also !!
very windy here still (Essex UK) but lovely at the park today,
hardly anyone there, the way I like it !
Munch...I thought you was another mouse...but no...you are a rat....aww how lovely ! :)


Thhank you Quiet Mouse ... I like mice ... sort of having a younger, smaller sibling to look after.
Don't be fooled  by my cute, furry face and beady eyes. I really am your friend.



Not a bad sort of day. I decided to sort out the polytunnel in the garden. It was a mess with old dead growth. I had great success last year with strawberries and baby tomatoes and hope for the same this year. Swept up some leaves and scattered the compost from last year's tomato growbags onto the outside flowerbeds. Plants are starting to shoot up. It doesn't take very long after Christmas for that to happen.


Had a drive , with hubby , then home+and housework ..


Not going badly today ..better than yesterday for sure. I went to the allotment on my bike to check all was well. It is so I rode home again. It's a nice sunny day and there's even some warmth in the Sun. Lots of plants are shooting up now and altogether, it's a pleasant day.


Quote from: Mart on February 01, 2024, 08:29:48 AMNot going badly today ..better than yesterday for sure. I went to the allotment on my bike to check all was well. It is so I rode home again. It's a nice sunny day and there's even some warmth in the Sun. Lots of plants are shooting up now and altogether, it's a pleasant day.

Yes mart , it was like a nice spring day , but still chilly brrr lol
I had a solo walk along the beach , and sat with the sun on my face for ten minutes
Glad you had a good day mart .... 


It's sunny here in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.  But even though the sun is out it's not warm.   So why is that?  It's the same sun we get in the summer so why isn't the snow melting?  If you know the answer to that question, you're smarter than the average bear.



Bored silly as per usual....but hey ho ..life goes on

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