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Started by Ronald, April 07, 2024, 01:27:24 PM

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Just to let you know, this forum has a major problem, "No Database"

Back a couple of weeks ago, I was putting together another web site for a outdoor equipment repairs.

My computer is set up to remember every dam move or typing that is done. So where the problem started I think is when I was attempting to type in the space the forum name, and seeing the computer remembers every letter, it decided to install this forum's name in the box, before I realized what happened, it already was done.
I was installing a phpbb 3.3 web site, so now this forum sits as a phpbb 3.3 web site.

In the server file base there in no web forum, for this forum, but in the another server phpMyAdmin, it shows under the phpbb 3.3 web site, when opened and checking it shows as a SMF web site. Now we are dealing with two servers. And no database, phpMyAdmin is not a database.

Now I have asked around and not getting any good results as how to correct this. Not sure what is going to happen, so far it has remained up and running. But I doubt we'd be able to upgrade or update any part of the forum itself, without it going down.

I took it upon myself to open another seniorsgossip.ca web site, it is a phpbb 3.3.
I got it as close as this forum as possible, but I can not transfer the members or the topics and posting over to the other web site.

If you care to start over by registering and starting your topics and posting feel free to do so.
The web site is here: https://seniorsgossip.ca/phpbb/

I will not close this web site, I will leave it open hoping I can find a way of correcting the mix-up.
I could try going back to the original server and try starting this web site again in the SMF form, but then no guarantee it'll work, worst thing is this web site will go down.

I would like to hear your thoughts and any ideas you have.



Was chatting with Dave, now he feels he may be able to correct this for us. He is off for a couple of days.

If we do go down, don't worry, we'll bring it back up.


It's all OK this place is going nowhere  ;)
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Great news thanks Ron and Dave ! 😁😁


Quote from: Fleur on April 13, 2024, 02:08:12 PMGreat news thanks Ron and Dave ! 😁😁

Thank Dave, he did all the work.

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