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What Is Your First Memory Of Being Really Excited?

Started by SirfurryanimalWales, April 03, 2024, 10:23:51 PM

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Probably when I got my train set for Christmas..must have been four of five
Y Gath o Gymru


When I was a small child we were walking along a road to a picnic area and everyone was behind me.  I picked up a snake.  I thought it was a rope and everyone behind me was screaming.  I couldn't figure out what the excitement was all about. I must have been about 4 or 5 also. I can't remember what happened next. 


Being a country girl, born and brought up in a small English village I found it very exciting when my relatives visited us from London

My aunties always dressed in the height of fashion, stiletto heels, perfume and beautiful handbags containing the best  of all, make up ! I was given free range with the lipstick, face powder and eyeshadow 

I am sure it was those early experiences that influenced me as I've worn make up since about aged 12, I like to wear a different outfit every day. Perfume, of course, always 😆


I was traveling along the highway in my big truck, the phone rang, I amswered the phone, Lawyer told me my divorce had been finalized.


Who can forget the first time you got on a plane and took off?

Fear mixed with excitement.

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