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What did you think would be easy before you gave it a try?

Started by SirfurryanimalWales, March 09, 2024, 12:06:59 AM

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Y Gath o Gymru


Taoist Tai Chi....

There are 108 moves to learn, and string together...

I did it for 12 years and could never do it on my own....had to follow the others....
would recommend it to everyone....good exercise, make friends, and relaxation... :)


Baking a pie.  I can't for the life of me getting the crust to be nice and flaky like my sister bakes.


Years ago, maybe as long as 40 to 50 years, I took a small engine course. When done and figuring I knew it all I started to repair lawnmower big and small.

First job was a McCulloch chainsaw You cannot view attachments, please sign in or register. first mistake, these are junk. I charged the poor guy what my repair price book said to charge. Happens it was about 4 times more than the saw was worth. I ended up keeping the saw.

2nd. mistake was a small riding John Deere mower, with a rear engine. I had all sorts of tools for removing gears, bushings, seals, flywheels, etc. When removing the fly wheel, with the puller attached, you normally give the crankshaft top where the nut is a wack with a brass hammer, which I did and broke the top off the crankshaft.. Had to order a new crankshaft and do all the repairs at my cost.

Live and learn.


I thought golf would be an easy sport much to my dismay.

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