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Started by Mart, January 31, 2024, 04:20:58 PM

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What was everyone's first toy that could be ridden on. What other ones did you have as life progressed?


Scooter , then bikes , needed one for my paper rounds....then car 


Bike then cars and now back to bike.


I guess I started out with a 3 wheel trike, then a 2 wheel bike, couple of go carts in between, then a car, truck, bike, sold the bike same week. Now looking for a 3 wheel adult trike.


I has a trike when I was about  4-5 years old. It was one where the pedals were on the front wheel. My Dad had it given and he did it up for me. It needed a new seat and he made one out of wood. The trouble was that he made it with the grain going across the seat instead of along it. The result was that it broke in the middle when it went over a bump. I got deposited hard on the concrete footpath on my backside. That made me howl a bit.  :)


I forgot   , it was the go carts , that my brothers made out of planks of wood, with pram wheels , that held about 4 of us ,
They always sat me at the back ,so i always fell off , turning a corner Ive still  got the  scars of my knees where the gravel cut me ,
Good fun tho ! ;D


I had second hand bikes (my parents were very poor)   until,
at the age of 16, my dad bought me a brand new bike...

Im an OAP now....have a lovely bike in the shed.....but too ill to use it now, soooo frustrating..
I wanna sell it.... :(  but would be sad to see it go....


I acquired a fair number of bikes over the years. If any of the family came to stay, they would want to go riding with me. That doesn't happen now so I gave a few bikes away. I've still got my favourite one in case I ever want to ride it but I also an electric bike.

E-bikes are good to have as a person ages. They take the hard slog out of riding up hills. I ride it all the time now. Limited to 15.5 MPH but that's a fairly good speed for a pedal bike.


I have been thinking of an electric bike.  They have become reasonably priced.

I don't ride my bike when it's cold.  Looking forward to spring.


I'm a fair weather cyclist. Cold doesn't put me off but it doesn't get as cold here as it does in Canada. I might be put off it did. I never cycle on wet days though.


Windy days are the toughest depending on the direction of the wind.


Nothing to do with wheels ! I've been trying to post a picture...this is my adopted mum, no idea how we ended up here I thought I was in reminiscing 🙄

Anyway this lady was my  second mum, taken on her 90th birthday if you look at the photograph in the glass cabinet next to where she is standing, you may make out a young woman, it was her just after the war with her children, queuing for bread

A wonderful person, sadly  no longer with us, I miss her so much...

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Aww such a lovely picture  fleur....
Precious memories  :)


Quote from: Fleur on February 22, 2024, 01:18:23 PMNothing to do with wheels !

Nice lady and so sad that our Mums and Dads have to pass on ..and there are a few round jars/ornaments in the photo, so very loosely connected with round things like wheels. :)

While reminiscing about younger life, I haven't mentioned roller skates. I loved roller skating just prior to being a teenager. A bit of a boast but I was king of the road on roller skates. Had a few falls and injuries because I was the most daring.

One time, there were three of us going down a hill in a chain. The others wouldn't be first in the line so we all went down with me in front and the my friend hanging onto my waist and another friend hanging onto his.

All was well until I couldn't avoid a manhole cover. I went over onto the tarmac and the others had a cushioned landing right on top of me. I knew it was bad when we all got up and they stared at me. The side of my face was scraped and covered in blood. On getting home, my Mum looked at me and shouted "What have you done!". I was taken straight to the doctors and the people waiting there felt so sorry for me that they let me go to front of the queue. Happy days! :)

When I was older and had a family, I took the children roller skating at the Sports Centre. I hadn't lost my touch and found after a few minutes I could still skate. Never kept it up though.


OMG, what a little daredevil you were Mart ! I was a timid little thing, scared of my own shadow, would never have dreamt of going on roller skates, I don't think I climbed a tree until I was about 12 😆🤣

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