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GOOD MORNING,what you got planned for today

Started by Hic, January 20, 2024, 01:33:03 AM

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Toothache.  A visit to the dentist.  Not my favorite entertainment.


Quote from: camper6 on August 19, 2024, 08:44:48 AMToothache.  A visit to the dentist.  Not my favorite entertainment.

Gotta be done Peter, only get worst.

I spent yesterday getting a bone scan. I had a bad reaction later on last night. I was really sick, even with the small amount of radiation they inject into you.


Y Gath o Gymru


Nothing planned.  I'm just going to let the day dictate itself because it's just nice and sunny and warm.

I'll take my camera and take some pictures.  I'm interested in historical instances.   


Got up this morning and it felt like a fall day, low 50's.

Seen the urologist yesterday, wants to do a bioscopy on my prostate, only way to tell if cancer or not.


Y Gath o Gymru


Quote from: Ronald on August 21, 2024, 08:52:39 AMGot up this morning and it felt like a fall day, low 50's.

Seen the urologist yesterday, wants to do a bioscopy on my prostate, only way to tell if cancer or not.

It's not fun but you have to find out.


Quote from: Ronald on August 21, 2024, 08:52:39 AMGot up this morning and it felt like a fall day, low 50's.

Seen the urologist yesterday, wants to do a bioscopy on my prostate, only way to tell if cancer or not.

Yes best to get it checked Ron. I had mine removed 2 years ago due to 2 different leasions they found, one was 18mm and the other was 5mm. They gave me the option of having hormone replacemnt therapy (HRT) followed by radiotheray or have it out, so I opted to have it out thinking it will be over and done with....how wrong was I.

I had it removed and the PSA levels were still up so they deceided that it must have moved to other parts around the area. So then they still put me on HRT followed by radio therapy. Had my last HRT injection April just gone and the hot flushes are still plaguing me, apparently they probably wont wear off until 9-12months after the last one.

Still even with all that I'm still here walking and talking so I'll take that
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For women it's breast cancer.

For men it's prostate.

We are lucky if we have good medical treatment.

I admire those who are gutsy and going trough treatment. 


Quote from: Dave on August 28, 2024, 05:58:02 AM
Quote from: Ronald on August 21, 2024, 08:52:39 AMGot up this morning and it felt like a fall day, low 50's.

Seen the urologist yesterday, wants to do a bioscopy on my prostate, only way to tell if cancer or not.

Yes best to get it checked Ron. I had mine removed 2 years ago due to 2 different leasions they found, one was 18mm and the other was 5mm. They gave me the option of having hormone replacemnt therapy (HRT) followed by radiotheray or have it out, so I opted to have it out thinking it will be over and done with....how wrong was I.

I had it removed and the PSA levels were still up so they deceided that it must have moved to other parts around the area. So then they still put me on HRT followed by radio therapy. Had my last HRT injection April just gone and the hot flushes are still plaguing me, apparently they probably wont wear off until 9-12months after the last one.

Still even with all that I'm still here walking and talking so I'll take that

Doing one more PSA then I will have the biopsy on the prostrate. I also need a biopsy on two lymph nodes. I seen a doctor last Monday, he is sending me to a surgeon about my thyroid, apparently it is the cause on my high calcium problem. Need to be surgically removed.

Like what else can gp wrong?


Quote from: camper6 on August 28, 2024, 07:27:38 AMFor women it's breast cancer.

For men it's prostate.

We are lucky if we have good medical treatment.

I admire those who are gutsy and going trough treatment. 

Yea your correct with this Peter, seems to be the way it goes. Lots of women also get cervical cancer.

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