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GOOD MORNING,what you got planned for today

Started by Hic, January 20, 2024, 01:33:03 AM

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Thursday is seniors day at Shoppers Drug Mart.

20% discount on all items not on sale.  So this is the day I pick up necessities like Laundry Soap and paper towels.


20% that's a good offer ! I get most of my stuff like that from Amazon


First of eleven days in a row out at sport.
Y Gath o Gymru


Quote from: Fleur on May 09, 2024, 03:38:19 PM20% that's a good offer ! I get most of my stuff like that from Amazon

Does that include delivery?


Yes as I belong to Amazon Prime, so I get TV, music and free deliveries


I also get soap and personal products from amazon prime, unless its on sale elswhere.


Y Gath o Gymru


Quote from: Mart on January 20, 2024, 03:14:58 AMGood morning - Not so cold here this morning. A frost on the lawn but +2°. Better than this time yesterday when it was -6°C. This has a bearing on what has to be done today. A bike ride to my brother's (R.I.P.) house to make sure the freezing (and now warming) weather has not damaged any water pipes in the loft. The house has been empty since last April and it's down to me to go there regularly to make sure all is OK.

Other than that, I'll be sitting at the computer trying to come up with some inspiration for drawing an image using computer programs. Oh yes ..and going to the local shop to see what cough medicines they have. Mrs Mart has the most awful cough.

My cough medicine.  Ounce of rum, Ounce of syrup.  Warm it up.  Just a sip.


An early visit to my hairdresser today, it was a charity day where she gives her days earning to a favorite charity so it was worth the early alarm call

A walk to the park later meeting up with a friend for coffee then home for the rest of the day, doing odd jobs, cooking then reading while enjoying a cup of tea


Nothing planned for today. Tomorrow going for a covid booster shot.


I've been stuck at home all day while new carpets were fitted throughout the apartment, by the time they had finished it was pouring with rain so I didn't bother going out


Good morning...
Today should have been day five of my eleven days of sport but after fifteen hours of heavy rain yesterday I fear Abergavenny Cricket Club will be too wet to allow play.
Hope it's dry today so I can get up there tomorrow.
Shame as it's market day up there on Tuesday...and I like the Abergavenny Wetherspoons.
Y Gath o Gymru


I love a good market, sadly lacking in my location

I am working this morning, meeting a friend at lunchtime then home later

Enjoy your day


Trying to copy a music to a CD.  Using a program called Audacity.


Real dreary out, rain is forecast for the next couple of days. Got covid booster shot yesterday.

Today going to make a meat loaf, with a squash, bell squash. If I have a time and energy I will make a batch of sticky buns.

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