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GOOD MORNING,what you got planned for today

Started by Hic, January 20, 2024, 01:33:03 AM

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Was going to the allotment to see if the polytunnel had survived the last storm. It didn't survive the one before that and I did a repair job. I wonder if it held up. The weather is bad today prior to another storm forecast for later, so I won't be going there.

Instead, I'll be hanging on the phone for ages waiting to make a doctor's appointment for Mrs Mart. That was going to be the afternoon's occupation. Don't know what I'll do later now.


morning,wet and windy here,another storm approaches grrr,,,just been down cafe for a fried breakfirst,now back,wondering what to do next,,have a great day all


Looks like another Dayi n for hubby
I will jump in car and go to shop , and put prescriptions in
Maybe pick up a KFC for us , on way home ...


Been busy .... I'm in for the night now and the wind is getting up out there.
First things first .... food!
Don't be fooled  by my cute, furry face and beady eyes. I really am your friend.


food,you gonna crawl in someones house and nick there porridge,lol


I was thinking of chips ... I'm an upmarket rat. You didn't think I scavenged for food did you?
Don't be fooled  by my cute, furry face and beady eyes. I really am your friend.


morning folks,,its dry out,and not to windy,,gonna try get in the garden,cut some hedgeing back,,then pop down town,get some shopping done


Morning all...hope you are all OK..
waiting for a phone call, to update my meds...
hopefully visit the park later with my little dog..
hubby and dog have a long walk..
I have a short walk now...but nice to get some fresh air..
enjoy your day...


Had a drive to garden centre , trying to get a 6x6 silver frame ...no can do nothing

Bought some yellow garden cushions ,then picked up lunch and sat at beach to eat it
Home to housework,and order frame from amazon


morning folks,a dry start to the day,sposed to be 10c out today,,,,off to docs this morning,then if it stays dry,start to tidy up garden


Hi all..

Dull and rainy here today....must do some chores, as I like the house to be spic and span..
sometimes difficult as getting older...
Hope you all have a nice day, stay safe and warm.. :)


Good morning - Nothing planned but I got so concerned about Mrs Mart's terrible rasping, persistent cough and breathlessness that I thought, after 10 days of it,  it was time to get some advice. Phoned 111 and an ambulance crew was sent out. They checked her out and all the vital signs are OK. That was a relief for me, even if not her.

Some antibiotics could be needed but the Ambulance crew can't write prescriptions. Phoned the doctor but can't get any attention until Tuesday. Then it's only a phone call. Oh well, at least I'm reassured that she isn't at death's door. Poor girl is exhausted with it all.


thats good Mart,,hope she can be sorted soon


Thanks Hic :) - Although the situation isn't as bad as that cough makes it sound, I'd have felt really bad if it had turn out to be something awful and I hadn't got it checked out.

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