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GOOD MORNING,what you got planned for today

Started by Hic, January 20, 2024, 01:33:03 AM

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Pouring with rain but I met a friend for coffee, picked up some shopping on the way home and now catching up with emails, word games etc. until it's time to start cooking lunch

Enjoy your curry Mart !


Indoors all day , rain and wind
Not feeling great
So i need to rest into between sorting hubbys needs ...


Today I made cabbage soup.  I can't buy it and I love it so I have to make it from scratch.  But next time I'm going to steam the cabbage till it's soft otherwise it stays hard forever.


Good morning - Another one pouring with rain. Roll on some nice weather. The light evenings are on the way back, so that's one good thing.

It was a good curry last night with enough left over to provide a meal tonight. I won't be doing much today apart from tidying up the garage.

Have the best day possible everyone. :)


This morning I will do housework, like everything to be spic and span..
but not always possible when you get older with ailments.. :(
Hopefully go out later to the park....but rain and high winds are expected..
so perhaps just a ride into the countryside in the car.... :)


Morning all, heavy rain and wind, seems pretty general at the moment

I'm having a lie in, before popping to nearby shops, sorting through my clothes making a bundle for the charity shop next week, cooking and having tea with a friend later this afternoon

Enjoy your day everybody 


Another day in....wind rain and dark out
Woke up with a headache and a leaky loo
Waiting on plumber to phone now

Enjoy everyone x


Seniors Day at Shoppers Drug Mart.  They offer 20% discount so I will be visiting for shampoo and anything else I might need.


Good morning - A dry start and 0°C. I'll be cycling to my brother's house soon to let the gardeners in. They'll be washing the patios and cutting the plants back to tidy everything up. This will hopefully make it more attractive to buyers.

This is the 3rd time I've had to leave early to go there. The gardener hired previously failed to turn up and we had to give up on him. Hope this one proves better.

Have a good day. :)


I can't believe it's stopped raining ! Day out with my daughter, coffee, shopping, donating clothes to charity shop then meeting her partner for lunch

Enjoy your day 🙂


Hair cuts for us both today ,
Cold here but sunny ,
Just got back from a solo beach walk ...


 1000  cloudy out, it is going to rain and possibly snow today, then the weather is going back to summer like.


Like most days......chores in the morning, lunch,  either visit the park, or rest in the afternoons..
I sooo miss my Tai chi classes...mixed with so many nice people....Covid made our club fold...
Ive kept in touch with a few members and we sometimes meet for lunch, but not very often...
enjoy your day/evening..


Cloudy and sun ,then rain
Day in waiting for grocery delivery , housework , solo 10 min walk along the beach , across the road from me


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