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What are you doing today

Started by charry, August 01, 2023, 08:29:28 AM

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I've been shopping .......I managed to get hubby into the car without getting soaked .....
Now I will carry on packing as we move house in the next few weeks  x
Hope you're all having a good day ....


Quote from: charry on August 01, 2023, 08:29:28 AMI've been shopping .......I managed to get hubby into the car without getting soaked .....
Now I will carry on packing as we move house in the next few weeks  x
Hope you're all having a good day ....

Just doing the usual everyday things. Walk the dog, stop at the store get milk and bread. Check the computer forums. Sit around a relax, or try to.

Being old is no fun, Doctors, blood work, test;s and more tests. This month I need blood work done for the Doctor's visit.

I am also having a lot of testing done, have pain in the groin, no clogged arteries so they say. Heart tests are ok. medically induce stress test coming up in Sept.


I'm making sure I get my exercise walk in today.  It's the secret to staying active.  And the usual housework which I hate. 


House work love it, sore back pushing the hoover around, load the dishwasher, hand wash the pots and pans, clean the toilets, do the laundry.

As for walking it is getting harder for me to walk long distances. Use to walk twice a day with the dogs, now down to half a walk with the dog.


Not done much today , too cold to take hubby out
Had my food delivery, then had a walk along the beach (opposite my apartment ) for 10mins .......housework , the rest of the day


Dam got up early, dog started barking at 5 am. We have quite abit of snow, but still took the dog to the park for his walk. Came home had coffee, will make lunch for us, might make an apple pie or date squares today. Of course I will also make dinner for us..
Sometime in the near future I have to get the vacuum (hoover)cleaner out and use it.


Hey Ron .... I've had a thought about what your name means.

Reality Or Nothing ... R.O.N.

Don't be fooled  by my cute, furry face and beady eyes. I really am your friend.


And the reason I initially came on this thread ....

Not so cold out today so I scampered off to the chemist to get a prescription , came back and did some boring old washing then flexed my paws and sat down at my keyboard.

Now .. what to have to eat. I'm getting hungry.
Don't be fooled  by my cute, furry face and beady eyes. I really am your friend.


It is cold and snowy so I am staying inside! I am cooking and doing laundry today.

I like to cook and then I package/freeze so I always have something ready to eat. Well that's if I remember to take it out of the freezer!  :D 

Today I am making meatballs, tomato sauce and taco meat.



Surely you've had a taco before!

Are there no Mexican restaurants in England!?
I tried to post a photo link but I don't think it worked.


ah,mex food,i know of one 250 miles from me lol


Most days are the same ...

Morning, clean the house...
Take our little dog to the park, or..
rest indoors...


Waiting on chiropodist to call me back,
My toes keep cramping , so i cant walk, which is not hood as I'm on my feet 15hrs a day .....ouch


Arguing with myself, should I run the vacuum (hoover) or not.

Not much else, will make lunch and dinner for both of us.

To cold to go outdoors.

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