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Inventions or improvements home made

Started by camper6, October 07, 2022, 09:06:20 AM

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I have a Samsung cell phone.  I was able to put together a simple unit to charge the battery when it's out of the phone.  I have two batteries.  One from a previous phone so I thought it would be handy to have it charged while I can still be using the phone.
It's pretty crude but effective.   A 5 V transformer and a couple of clips and two contacts from copper wire. One goes to the positive terminal and one goes to the negative.


Be nice to have a photo of this. Great idea Campy.


I'm going to put a photo shoot together on it.



Here's the pictures. O.K. basically you make two connectors.  I used the copper wire from a T.V. coax cable. There must be different ways to do this.  The design I made is sort of a spring connection.

Next you have to install them on a board the exact distance apart and height to attach to the battery and the tip has to fit inside the battery terminals positive and negative.

Next you attach the battery by pushing it against the connectors and secure it in place.  I just drilled a hole behind the battery and used a screw.  I also installed a wood strip once I got the connections right.  The power in the battery will show if the connections are accurate once you check it with the multimeter.

Then it's simple.  Just hook up the clips from the transformer and the battery will charge.  I used an old phone charger transformer.  I suppose you could also solder on the wires from a USB charger instead of the clips.

It works and charges the batter full in about 5 hours. I now have three batteries one from a previous phone and one given to me and the current one.  So I can take them with me when needed.  The other nice thing about this set up is that if your charger isn't working or if the connector at the phone is worn out or broken you can still use this to charge the battery.  You can also use the transformer to clean coins or whatever electronically but it ruins one of the terminal clips. 

It was a fun project and it took me quite a few tries to get it right. The hard part was setting up the connectors.  I found just drilling small holes and using crazy glue was the best way.

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It's working out great for me now because the charging inlet on my phone is spotty and sometimes isn't charging.  They get loose over time .  So now I just have one battery charging overnight ready to go.


Quote from: camper6 on November 29, 2022, 08:18:59 AMIt's working out great for me now because the charging inlet on my phone is spotty and sometimes isn't charging.  They get loose over time .  So now I just have one battery charging overnight ready to go.

I had one Samsung phone that the battery lasted less than 6 hours.

The Samsung I have now lasts forever.


As a battery gets older it has a harder time keeping the charge.  I think this applies to all batteries. 

With my contract you can keep your old phone or start a new contract at an additional charge for a new phone.  I like what I have and I hate the learning curves so I'm hanging on to my Samsung phone for a bit as I have three batteries for it.  I can't see buying an I phone.  You cannot change batteries in it on your own. 


Quote from: camper6 on December 01, 2022, 01:09:52 PMAs a battery gets older it has a harder time keeping the charge.  I think this applies to all batteries. 

With my contract you can keep your old phone or start a new contract at an additional charge for a new phone.  I like what I have and I hate the learning curves so I'm hanging on to my Samsung phone for a bit as I have three batteries for it.  I can't see buying an I phone.  You cannot change batteries in it on your own. 

I have had a Samsung S6 for years charges good, holds a charge for a long time, just have no data plan with it. Just calls and texts.


I have no data plan either.  Just phone and text.


Quote from: camper6 on December 02, 2022, 08:08:59 AMI have no data plan either.  Just phone and text.

If I turn my cell phone on while in the US, it costs me a fortune, last month I got hit with a over 50 dollar data charge. I never used the phone, just had it on, but roaming uses the data, which I never knew at the time.


Did you try to get the charge dropped or reduced? 

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