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Recycling bins

Started by charry, January 25, 2024, 01:52:12 PM

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Do you all have the 4 or 6 bins for recycling
Where do you  keep your  bins , and how often are they emptied ..

Living in apartments now , we have large bins , just 2, one for recycling and one normal ....so much easier now .... 


We have 4 bins...

* Recyclable materials (some plastics - paper - cardboard) Emptied once every two weeks.
* General rubbish for non-recyclable stuff. Emptied once every two weeks (alternate weeks to the Recycle Bin).
* Food waste for peelings etc. Emptied every week.
* Garden waste for which we have to pay £50 a year. Emptied once every two weeks when the general rubbish bin is due to be emptied.


no,we still have blue and black bags,and a waste food bin,,,,,,,


Out the front.
One wheelie bin for general waste
2 green wheelie bins for garden waste( one got stolen but was found so I ended up with 2)
One brown food waste bin(small)
One blue bag for cardboard
One black box for recyclables other than cardboard.
Some collected weekly,others fortnightly.
Y Gath o Gymru

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